OpenWare Business

Your Digital Revolution Partner

DevOps -- Private  Cloud -- Public Cloud -- Cloud-Native Applications

OpenWare Business 

OpenShift -- Kubernetes -- OpenStack --  AWS -- Azure --GCP 


OpenWare Business

Your Digital Revolution Partner

Best, Cost Effective, Practices & Tools

We provide IT Solutions based on Robust, Secure, Reliable, Scale-able, and cost-effective Open Source Technologies.

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Digital Elasticity


OpenWare Business (OWB) is a centre of Open Source Technology solutions. We prepare clients to ride the digital revolution and take lead. Open Source brings possibilities well within reach for Entrepreneurs as well as all size of Businesses, Academia, Industry & Government -- Cost-effective solutions, superior both in technique and price performance to orchestrate your strategy rapidly

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OpenWare Business provides a range of services on the OpenShift platform, including:

  1. Container Orchestration: Automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  2. DevOps Integration: Built-in CI/CD pipelines using  Tekton Pipelines for streamlined development and deployment processes.
  3. Monitoring and Logging: Integrated monitoring and logging tools for observability and performance management.
  4. Security and Compliance: Robust security features including image scanning, role-based access control (RBAC), and compliance checks.
  5. Service Mesh: Enhanced microservices management with Istio for traffic management, policy enforcement, and telemetry.
  6. Developer Tools: Comprehensive development tools and frameworks, including  DevSpaces for collaborative cloud-based development environments.
  7. Storage Solutions: Persistent storage options for stateful applications.
  8. Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Support: Flexibility to deploy across on-premises, public, and hybrid cloud environments.
  9. OpenShift Virtualization: Integration of virtual machines alongside containers in a unified platform, allowing management of both containerized and traditional VM-based workloads.

Kubernetes and ServiceMesh  

Managed Private Cloud Services

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Openstack Cloud Deployment Services

OpenWare Business Pvt. Ltd  (OWB) is providing OpenStack Private Cloud Deployment and Managed Openstack Private Cloud Operations Services.  Our team of experts is also managing Private Cloud operations in Biggest chain of Stores in Pakistan, Academia, the private sector, and Government Enterprises in Pakistan.

OWB is using powerful tools like MaaS -- Metal as a Service, JuJu -- JuJu Service orchestration engine, Conjure-up Landscape Monitoring Engine  ,  LXD Containers and Snapcraft  from Canonical Inc, .

Openstack is powerful Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud Solutions which is being used in many hundred of big and multi billion dollars giants in Financial, Health, E-commerces, Airlines, Telecommunications, Media Industry,  Scientific research centers,  Universities, Government, Cloud Hosting providers and e-mail providers and many more. 

Ubuntu Openstack Private Cloud Offers 

Our Services

Robotic Process Automation


                Artificial Intelligence                  

OpenStack Consulting

ERP Consulting

Functional Development

FinTech Consulting

IS Audit

Big Data Analytics

Linux Consulting

Benefits from the Open Source Solutions

Let open source technologies run your business while You focus on strategy and OpenWare Business continues to provide multi-faceted solutions, products, and services. OpenWare Business leadership and teams work with passion to bring new technologies and knowledge to our clients. Our teams maintain the skill matrix to cope with the challenges in the ever-changing world of technology. OpenWare Business provides Enterprise solutions with a complete focus on Open Source technologies, tools, and platforms. OpenWare Business’s development teams are ready to customise or develop modules/add-ons for existing Open Source solutions as well as develop custom solutions.